Saturday, July 27, 2024
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The International Journal of Cancer, a journal with an impact factor of 6,513, has just selected the article “FOXO transcription factors at the interface of metabolism and cancer” by Wolfgang Link (Center for Biomedical Research) and Paul J. Fernandez-Marcos (IMDEA Food, Spain), as cover article.


The cover image, collected by the researchers,  deserves now the attention of the international academic community, appearing on the December issue of the renowned scientific journal.


According to the scientific article, FOXO factors have been shown to play an important role in the suppression of tumour growth and in the regulation of metabolic homeostasis. There is emerging evidence that deregulation of FOXO factors might account for the association between insulin resistance-related metabolic disorders and cancer.


Read the complete article here.

The scientific article shows that FOXO factors play an important role in the suppression of tumour growth and in the regulation of metabolic homeostasis. There is emerging evidence that deregulation of FOXO factors might account for the association between insulin resistance-related metabolic disorders and cancer.

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